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제 2 호 Convenience & Education Systems Unknown to SMU Students

  • 작성일 2019-06-01
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 20093



& Education Systems 

Unknown to SMU Students

Focusing on Useful Mobile Applications

and Vacation Programs in SMU

by Ju-eun Yeon, Reporter, Hye-im Li, Reporter

Yeonje1113@naver.com , kateli1004@naver.com

  How to spend college life more fruitfully? Probably, lots of students are interested in having a fruitful college life. Therefore, we are going to let you know convenience and education systems at Sangmyung University for our students’ worthwhile campus life. Especially, we are going to handle practical mobile applications and vacation programs which have been implemented in SMU

 A College life

      Practical Mobile Applications for SMU Students

  SM Herald would like to recommend practical mobile applications for SMU students. Let’s take a look at what applications are here. Some applications may be familiar to you. All of these applications were recommended by Sangmyung University students. I hope these applications are helpful to you, too. 

▲ The mobile application ‘Everytime’


  ‘Everytime’ is the most popular application for college students. Many students recommended ‘Everytime’, too. SM Herald also uses ‘Everytime’ to communicate with SMU students. There are three reasons for this recommendation. First, the community is active so users can get school news and other information quickly. Second, it is convenient to make your timetable and check your schedule by ‘wizet.’ Third, users can communicate with anonymity. 

▲ The mobile application ‘Coursemos’

2. ‘Coursemos’

  It has been only two to three years since the app was used at our university. However, now, most students are using ‘Coursemos.’ There are two reasons for this recommendation. First, ‘Coursemos’ is a useful app for viewing lecture materials and lecture notices. In particular, when new lectures or notices are uploaded, an alarm service lets us know the information. Therefore, we can get information quickly.Second, users can listen to video lectures through the application. It is very useful for students attending on-line classes.

▲ The mobile application ‘Polaris Office’

3. ‘Polaris Office’ (A document editing mobile application)

  There are three reasons for this recommendation. First, ‘Polaris Office’ application is composed of ‘Word’, ’Excel’, ‘PowerPoint’ and ‘Hangul and Computer.’ Therefore, users don’t have to download each application. Second, college students can edit documents by a mobile phone. It allows students to write documents everywhere. Third, ‘Polaris Office’ is especially useful to iPhone users. Originally, iPhone users can’t view or edit ‘Hangul and Computer’ files and it caused them lots of problems. However, after ‘Polaris Office’ mobile application appeared, viewing or editing ‘Hangul and Computer’ files by a mobile phone became possible to iPhone users, too.

Education Discount Site

  Have you heard of ‘YGOON’ or ‘Univstore’? ‘YGOON’ and ‘Univstore’ are education discount sites. ‘Education Discount Store’ discounts electronic devices, clothes, books and even travel tickets for only college students. It is a benefit for only college students, so the SM Herald wants to share information with SMU students. The ‘YGOON’ and ‘Univstore’ links are below. Click if you are interested.




Vacation Programs at Both Campuses

  Then, let’s find out about the programs we have in school during the vacation. School programs can be divided into three main categories. Volunteer activities, overseas training programs, and employment/career programs. Before starting the article, I would like to explain the terms that SMU students are confused about. There are language training, exchange students, international exchanges, and on-the-job training. 

An Explanation of Confusing Terms

  Usually, international exchange programs include language training or exchange student programs. Then, what is the difference between language training and exchange students? Exchange students are programs organized by universities, so they can study with scholarships. Therefore, the competition rate is high, and the applicant usually is selected based on grades and language skills. Exchange students can also receive more than a certain credit. On the contrary, language training is not a program organized by the school, so you cannot get a scholarship. Therefore, the competition rate is low and language training is much more free than the exchange student. An on-the-job training is easy to think of as an internship experience abroad. Internships are so essential to experience that they are included in the graduation requirements in some specific departments. If a student in such a specific department is thinking about overseas employment, it is advisable to apply for on-the-job training. On-the-job training can also receive scholarships if conditions are met. International exchange programs and on-the-job training are divided into semesters.

  Now, the terms explaining is over; then let’s look at the various programs that are running on both campuses at the same time. (The volunteer work will be explained on each campus.)

Overseas Training

  First, it is the overseas training section. There are so many countries that you can go to for overseas training. Typically, there are the United States, China, Russia, Germany, Australia, Japan and Taiwan. Overseas training programs are usually posted on the website or are directly informed by the departments.

Employment/Career Programs

  Cheonan campus and Seoul campus jointly support certification-related programs. These programs are available at Sangmyung University’s Employment Support Team. Certifications include Computer Utilization level 2, Excel, Illustration, Accounting level 1, and ICDL COMPUTING(python). The certification process is conducted during the semester, and some are conducted during the vacation. 

▲ The Homepage of Employment Support Team

  Furthermore, both Cheonan and Seoul campuses support on-the-job training programs. It is often called an internship program. As described above, if you are considering overseas employment, it is good to have a job experience once through an on-the-job program that is supported by the school. In the first half of 2019, on-the-job training programs were in the US, China, Australia and Germany. The period is divided into one month during vacation, six months, and one year, and the cost varies depending on the period of staying in the country. The school supports scholarships, but the qualification for the scholarship is in the third grade and the fourth grade in not applicable. The company is assigned according to your major. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry about whether or not you are wasting time doing the work which is not suitable for the major. An on-the-job training information session is also held every semester, so it is good for interested students to refer to the briefing session. 

Vacation Programs at the Seoul Campus

  Vacation programs at the Seoul Campus can be categorized in to three parts: volunteer work, overseas training, and employment programs. There are many good programs for vacation, if you pay attention. 

Volunteer work

▲ Volunteers who participated in ‘Sharing Kim chi of Love’

‘Sharing Kim chi of Love’

  The program opens at every December. ‘Sharing Kim chi of Love’ is a project which delivers Kimjang and sponsorship for the underprivileged in Buam-doing, Jongno-gu. If you apply for ‘Social Corps’, you can attend to ‘Sharing Kim chi of Love’ volunteer work. You can apply for it any time.

     ‘The Global Overseas Volunteer Activity’

  The program is held during every winter vacation. ‘The Global Overseas Volunteer Activity’ takes about 14 days to complete. There was the Laos Overseas Volunteer Activity in 2018. However, there is no announcement for the 2019 Global Overseas Volunteer Activity yet. If you want to apply for ‘Global Overseas Volunteer Activity’, you have to complete some documents.

Overseas Training

  The program is held during every summer/winter vacation. There are lots of countries which are cooperating with Sangmyung University. Most of the Overseas Trainings have been implemented at  the Cheonan Campus, too. If you want to apply for the program, visit ‘The Foreign Exchange and Cooperation Team.’ ‘The Foreign Exchange and Cooperation Team’ in Sangmyung University is Carry out overseas training. 

Employment/Career Programs

Summer vacation programs

Winter vacation programs

SM Convertion Camp

NCS Vocational Basic ability Program

Viral Marketing certificate process

Field practice program

  There are lots of employment/career programs. First, it is the ‘SM Convertion Camp.’ The program opens during summer vacation. It is an overnight program. SM Convertion Camp is a job support camp for getting a job at small and medium-sized enterprises. Second, it is the ‘NCS Vocational Basic ability Program.’ The program opens during summer vacation. The program which analyzes previous NCS tests and prepare for NCS recruitment. Third, it is the ‘Viral Marketing certificate process.’The program opens during winter vacation. The program is a specialized education program concerning understanding marketing techniques and practice. Fourth, it is the ‘Field practice program.’ The program opens during winter vacation. The practice time should be over 40 hours. Plus, you can participate in the first semester of the third grade.

  If you would like to apply for these programs, search for the ‘SM challenge.’ SM challenge is dealing with all employment/career programs. Enter the site and apply online. There are lots of useful programs. Besides, it is easy to apply for. Here is the link. If you are interested in getting a job, this site will be helpful to you. 



Vacation Programs at the Cheonan Campus

Let’s learn about the program that is going on during vacation at the Cheonan campus.

Volunteer work

  First, it is the volunteer section. There is the education volunteer work of Anseo Elementary School.


Volunteer work hours

Details of the activities

Place of activities

Student librarians and book club instruction


Student librarians and book club instruction.


Special education student program


The special children support

Special classroom

Daycare program


Reference about daycare program

Daycare classroom

Preschool education program


Childhood education department, social welfare department students only


Administrative support


Administrative work

Teacher’s room

▲ the Volunteer Sections about the Anseo Elementary School

Overseas Training

  The following is the overseas training section. Since the Global Regional Department belongs to the Cheonan campus, there are many cases where announcements come down separately. 

Employment/Career Programs

  Finally, it is the career section. It is a smart business program. It is a good program to build up English or Chinese skills by making video calls with locals. Of course, it is free. In addition, there are public enterprise study camps and meeting with job-related seniors. These programs are available at Sangmyung University’s Employment Support Team.

▲ The Meeting with Job-Related Seniors. 

  Our university is supporting a variety of programs for students. They are not only good quality but cheaper than academies. I hope to get a lot of such good benefits while attending school. I could not explain enough about each program because this is a short article. Therefore, if you are interested, please visit the homepage often.









