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제 7 호 How to Make Good Use of the School Library 100%

  • 작성일 2020-09-28
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 16079


How to Make Good Use of the School Library 100%

Discovering Free + Helpful Services

By Sarah Chae, Editor-in-Chief


  The season of reading, Autumn, has come. Have you ever been to the library in our school? You can read magazines, novels, comic books, etc. in a good space. If you have never used it or been there, there is a lot you may have missed. In this article, let’s fin out how we can use 100% of our library other than just borrowing books and studying during exam seasons! Keep your eyes on this article and you sure will be able to get the tips below.

You can…

  • Use Other School Libraries
  • Borrow e-Books
  • Read Papers for Free
  • Take e-Learning Classes for Free
  • Get Official Tips on How to Use the Library

*Quick note before you read this article: I want you to know that I will not tell you about every room in the library. Most of the tips below are about the services you can use online through the school library’s website! Keep it in mind though, you can use the study/meeting rooms and lounge in the library to take a break or have an offline meeting for group projects! Sadly, most of theses spaces are unable to be used because of the Corona virus for now. Keep checking the notices on the library website and check out when you can use these rooms.

1) Use Other School Libraries

  There is no need to use only the library on your campus. A Seoul campus student can use the Cheonan Campus library, and the opposite is possible, too. Plus, you do not need to write and application or anything for this access. It is also possible to use other university libraries, but there is a process where you need to write or submit an application. If you want to know which school’s library is available and how to apply, take a look at the picture below.

2) Borrow e-Books

  You can borrow books without having to go to school! Use the mailing service, or borrow e-books by downloading the app below. There is no need to worry about being overdue because the app automatically returns the book for you. Follow the steps below to borrow e-books.

3) Read Papers for Free

  As you do your assignments and write papers and so, you might need access to academic journals and papers by getting into some academic database. Thankfully, you do not need to pay anything if you use the library website. In most cases, you can read and download the reference and material you want for free, just by following the steps below.

4) Take e-Learning Classes for Free

  Free e-Learning classes from YBM, Eduwill, Learning 365 and more are available. Get the chance to take free classes for learning about languages, IT, research, and obtaining National Technical Qualification Certificates.

5) Get Official Tips on How to Use the Library

  Reading this article is a good idea to get tips for using the library, but it would be nice to look at some advice from Sangmyung University. Do you remember that you need to complete the library education provided by the school library if you want to borrow a book from the library for the first time? Maybe that time was too long ago to remember for you, or maybe you just did not listen to it that carefully. In these cases or not, thankfully, you can take the course again! There are manuals and videos provided in the link below, so give a visit if you are interested in it! (Both campus courses are helpful.)

-Flash program of how to use the SMU library (Seoul campus)


-Manuals and videos of how to use the SMU library (Cheonan campus):


In addition, the Cheonan campus library provides education on how to use the library and online information to foreigners every semester. (http://libnt.smuc.ac.kr/Schedule/ListAll)

  You can also get online education on how to use the library to write a good report. Both campus websites provide this online education but the steps are a little different. After you log in to the Seoul SMU library website (both campus students can use it) click ‘Search – e-Learning – 4. Online Report Preparation/Library Information Utilization Training.’

  So far, we found out about what you can do at the library other than borrowing books. You can 1) Use Other School Libraries, 2) Borrow e-Books, 3) Read Papers for Free, 4) Take e-Learning Classes for Free, and 5) Get Official Tips on How to Use the Library. Find out about more events, and how to find and use materials on the website by checking the notice board frequently. The services provided by the Seoul Campus and Cheonan Campus’ library websites are slightly different, so do not forget to check out both sites! The SM Herald will always send a message of support to our fellow SMU students for using 100% (or more!) of the library.




Other links are written in the article above.